Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The Search for Ways to Make Money Online

Searching for ways to make money online has taken up quite a bit of my time. There are plenty of sites that will sell you programs or books on how to get rich. This is the part where I go on about how wonderful my life is and how making money online can change yours too. I think I am supposed to list a few things that you will be able to buy with your new money. Cars, travel and I see the word lifestyle used a lot for some reason. Let's not forget the ever present testimonials.

Excuse me while I edit some screen shots of my accounts to make it look as though I know what I am talking about. A lot of make money online sites lately seem to require your email address before they will even tell you the price. I guess there are obvious reasons for that but I think it is bad marketing. With any luck, you will avoid another lecture about working from home and being able to set your own hours. Imagine having the freedom to make your own schedule and be your own boss. This should be as emotional as possible. Everyone has a program or system that they may or may not give you any details on until you have paid. Obviously, you should not buy in if you do not have any details and can not see how it is feasible to make money with the program.

If the site owner is creative then a long, drawn out description of the system should now follow. In many cases half of the information is more hype. It can be difficult to find the bottom line on many money making websites. We will go through the easy steps that anyone can do. Next I will tell you what a great deal you are getting and there are some creative ways of doing that. A lot of people throw in pictures of cars or big houses at this point. The cost of make money online programs varies greatly. Some books on the subject can be found for a few dollars while other so called investments cost hundreds.

I hate those sites with a guy gloating about how rich he is and how easy it is to do. Making money online is hard. I am not interested in sites like that when searching the web, personally. Some of them are so long It would take half an hour just to get to the price. To my amazement when reading through some of them, it was all fluff. There were no details on how the system actually worked. On some, there were so many testimonials it was ridiculous. Others had pictures of cars, houses and the infamous lifestyle so far down the page it was hard to find any relevant information at all. Without any details about how the system is supposed to help me make money online I am not very likely to buy in.

Free make money online programs are not hard to find. At least until you get to the bottom of the page or the end of the presentation. There are a few free money making systems out there but none that I have seen pay any reasonable amount. Maybe I should do a post on those. Most will require your email address and some will even tell you up front to expect spam.

This blog will be used to document all the things I have tried and what I have learned so far. Consider all the products bought and sold on the web every day. Obviously there is some money to made there. I will try to do a post for each system that I have tried so that anyone interested in them can know exactly what to expect. Maybe it will save a few people some money or time if nothing else. I hope your are not still waiting for a sales pitch or something. There won't be one. I will probably lecture you about affiliate marketing though. Out of all the make money online ideas I have come across that one seems to make the most sense. I will, of course be going over the basic concepts and explaining my experience with them in future posts. For the moment, I will just define it for those who are not familiar with it. Affiliate marketing is basically selling a product for a company and getting a commission. There are many affiliate programs out there. Merchants can sign up if they have a product they want promoted online and advertisers can sign up if they want to try promoting those products. These programs vary a lot but the basic concept is the same.

Like all things, learning to make money online is going to take some practice before you get good at it. Just figuring out how to weed out the scams from the real business opportunities takes some know how. So many sites out there now try to convince you that it is so easy and fast to make money online. Many claim that you will be making money the first day with their program. That whole concept is ridiculous and you should not fall for it. The amount of reading you must do to learn this or any business is a huge investment of your time. Before I really started getting serious about it I thought time was no big deal. It got to the point where all I would do on any given day was work and read. As soon as I got off the clock at my job I would go home and start reading. I would read all night. Before I knew it, it was early morning and I still had several browser windows open with things that had caught my eye and I decided to read them later. Any time or labor you put in to something is still an investment regardless of money spent.

Finding a mentor can probably save you a lot of time and money. I wish I had one. Lately I have been reading this blog about how to make money online. It explains a lot about search engine optimization which is presently my main educational goal. I have read most of the posts which are terribly long, hence my rambling on. In my search for ways to make money online I have never come across anything quite like that blog but I agree that there will be room for new marketers due to the expansion and longevity of the web. As a new marketer myself, I'm kind of obligated to. I suppose I should get started experimenting with search engines so I love that blog for walking me through it and explaining so much. I have had a few AdWords failures and am very interested in learning to optimize sites to pull organic traffic. Learning to pull search engine traffic seems like it would be absolutely fundamental to any marketer. There are a lot of books out there about how to make money using AdWords. After reading a few I was pretty disappointed. For the most part, these books were nothing but more hype and a general overview of an AdWords account. Certainly nothing that made me feel as if my money was well spent on them. I am still interested in learning how to make a profit doing this, so I guess I will be searching for more books that have a money back guarantee. A few that I saw went on about how it you do not need a website or any other methods of traffic generation. Even a few that seemed to be of the opinion that other methods were a waste of time. If you are going to be using paid advertising and can make money doing so then that's great, but I see no reason not to toss in some organic hits as well. If more hits is the whole point then the more sources the better.

One thing that motivates me to get in to the make money online niche is interest. If a person can not even use a mouse and keyboard but still wants you to teach them, you know you have a product with high demand. Everyone, their mom and their dog wants to know how to make money online. With so many fraudulent methods out there however, it is not surprising that most people will not waste their time even listening to a pitch. I first noticed the demand for it when it came up at work one day. A guy I worked with was telling someone about an eBay store he had purchased and had high hopes for. Not knowing he was interested in that sort of thing, I started talking to him about it. We exchanged ideas, told our stories of being ripped off and such. When I looked up I realized that every other person in the store was closely following our conversation. At that point I had already made up my mind to try the make money online niche because after my own search I know how frustrating it can be to get your hopes up and waste so much time. The real potential of the market did not become apparent to me until i started talking to people I knew about making money online. I guess that's enough for this post and I will write more soon. I hope this blog will be of help to someone in their search for ways to make money online.

1 comment:

Bob said...

Hi Daniel,

I was like you, 5 months ago I scoured the internet for ways to make money online and registered for any and all offers that poured into my email boxes and I have many...

To make it short, if you are like me, would like to spend more time doing the things you like with your family, don't want to have to follow a fixed regime daily, tired of all the hype and making Gurus richer while you tweak your own website with SEO, traffic blasters, safelists, and also clicking, clicking thru ads, emails, hearing about rebate processing... the list goes on , see what I decided to do about it here ->